A Life Transformed
Community support helped Josh go from homeless to hopeful
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users and growing…

68000 Users and Growing

From business owners to artists and bloggers to charities, the Jupiter business WordPress theme helps thousands to create amazing websites.

Featured on Greatest Blogs

Jupiter has been  praised in many blogs and online magazines, mostly because of its many flexible and high-performing business website templates.

Lifetime Updates

We have released dozens of updates during the last two years. In this time Jupiter has grown to be a top-ranking business WordPress theme.



With dozens of ready-to-use templates and many more added options, now you can create almost anything that comes to your mind. A combination of advanced content importers, layouts, header styles, post types and elements gives you creative freedom and control unlike any other theme you’ve seen before.

Want a quick start ?

Get your copy of Jupiter today and download our entire collection of website templates!


Transforming lives one scholarship at a time

Emergency Funds

Making the difference for students in need

Programs & Equipment

Supporting student and staff success

Outstanding Support

Over time we’ve resolved so many of the initial glitches resulting in an overall intuitive and easy website solution! But, of course, if you need any help, we have a whole team that’s ready to help.

Deeply Customisable

The Jupiter is a business WordPress theme designed by designers for designers. We’ve identified all possible scenarios we could think of to create a unique collection of business website templates.

Smooth And Fluent

We think that even the best-looking product is pretty useless without having a great user experience. Achieving visual elegance with usability and high speed was no easy feat, but alas we did it!

Liked by Thousands

68000+ users is a not only a sheer statistic but evidence of our diverse and evolving community and the consistent progress and upgrades the Jupiter WordPress theme has undergone.


Homepage Version 5

Not just responsive

Not only is the Jupiter responsive, it also adapts to every screen resolution. Jupiter is coded and designed to look perfect on a full range of devices. But that wasn’t enough—our team of overly fussy and nit-picking perfectionists had to test the whole demo and all of its elements, pages and templates on every physical and virtual screen we could get our hands on to make sure we got it right!

High resolution ready

Jupiter is designed for mobile screens and is fully responsive. It also embraces the latest solutions to make your business website templates look crisp and clean on all high resolution devices. While the elements are all re-scalable and look sharp by default, you’ll have the option to control your image resolutions in all post types.

Homepage Version 5

good words. good people.

  • “I can’t think of a better place to give the money than to the Olympic College Foundation. You can see clear results from these donations.”

    Jim Sund
    Jim Sund Retired U.S. Navy veteran & businessman
  • "I’ve personally had students sitting across the desk from me with tears in their eyes because the Foundation paid for their certificate or provided a scholarship."

    Gayle Dilling
    Gayle Dilling Professor, Early Childhood Education, Olympic College
  • “It’s a wonderful thing to be part of. You feel like you’ve made a difference. Seeing (students) going out and getting their lives together and finding their way is the best possible return on your day.”

    Ruth Ross
    Ruth Ross Retired Dean of the Library, Olympic College

71000+ websites built by Jupiter

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Jupiter is your last WordPress theme ever.

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